Top Ways to Keep Your Dogs and Cats Entertained
People often believe that if their pet has lots of love, water, food and proper medical care then they are set for life. Two items we often forget about are:
Giving them adequate physical exercise, and,
Plenty of mental challenges to stimulate their brains.
These two factors can increase their quality of life by leaps and bounds. ASPCA Animal Trainer, Kristen Collins, touts that “Pets need jobs.” Both dogs and cats have a need to be engaged and stay busy. Keep in mind that animals were created to take care of themselves by foraging or hunting for food and shelter. Although our pets have been domesticated, their energy levels and natural instincts still exist. More often than not our pets are bored and spend the day laying around waiting for us to return home from work. This is why animals get into mischief while we are away. They …