There have long been mixed breed dogs that vary quite a bit in looks, size and temperament. They are often referred to as “mutts” and they tend to have strong health and they make great pets. You can usually find a wonderful mutt to adopt at the local shelter.

A mixed breed dog is a dog that is not a purebred and it may not be known if the parents of the dog are purebreds. They are basically dogs from an unknown ancestry and a questionable genetic line. They are usually smart and wonderful and they make great pets but their lineage is unknown.

A purebred on the other hand is a dog that has two parents that are both of the same breed. Many times there are long records of the genetics of these dogs and breeders are very careful in their breeding techniques to make sure …

All breeds of dogs do need some exercise to be healthy. Without physical exercise canines cannot have strong bones and muscles. They would not have as much energy either. But do all breeds require the same amount of exercise each day? The answer is simply no.

There are some breeds that only need a moderate amount of physical activity to be healthy and happy. Others need quite a bit of activity though. So choose a breed based on your lifestyle.

If you come a go a lot to where a dog would have to be cooped up in the house for long periods of time, do not get a highly active breed. Same goes for if you live in apartments where the dog would have limited space to roam. The active breeds do better when they can have a good outdoor space to run in and that their …

Here’s some statistical food for thought: according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA) 2009/2010 National Pet Owners Survey, 62 percent of U.S. households own a pet. In its pet ownership breakdown, the APPA reports that American households include 77.5 million dogs, 93.6 million cats, 13.3 million horses and 15 million birds. Clearly, a lot of pets are living with families that will experience divorce.

How does divorce law deal with pets? By law, property acquired during marriage is presumed to be community property. If one spouse proves that a pet was acquired before the marriage, for example, it is considered separate property and the community property presumption is overcome.

In a divorce or legal separation, community property must be divided, resulting in the property settlement. When the pet is community property, the animal’s best interest doesn’t apply, at least not directly. But that is changing.

Earlier this …

Depression is a serious problem for the elderly. The inability to do the normal day to day activities because of their health, the death of a spouse or loved one, and isolation from friends and family can all take their toll on an elderly person’s well being. Although training for therapists includes specific care for their elderly patients, it may be a better course of action to help the elderly avoid the need for psychotherapy. One way to do this is for them to have a pet or be exposed to pet therapy.

Having a pet can be a very positive force in an elderly person’s life. If they live alone the benefits of having a pet are even more profound. Pets give their lives structure and companionship. Pets alleviate loneliness, reduce depression and anxiety, and help an elderly person cope with the loss of a loved one. …

Finding the Cat of Your Dreams

Cats are pretty amazing creatures. They’re one of the two most popular pets in the world. And unlike dogs, they pretty much made a choice to share their lives with us. It’s led to a shockingly independent but also loving companion animal. 

Finding the Cat of Your Dreams

In fact, they’ve been such a part of human life that there’s a number of different breeds out there. And there’s some things to keep in mind when deciding on a particular breed of cat. One of the biggest is medical need. Different breeds of cat tend to have different requirements. 

Some breeds of cat even do better with a daily walk outside. Others should be kept indoors. And sometimes it’s highly dependent on the climate. But there’s one other thing to keep in mind. Different breeds of cat also come with different prices. 

Take a Bengal for example. Although, with any Bengal Queens for Sale you …