The Importance Of Family Cooperation During Potty Training
The Importance Of Family Cooperation During Potty Training

A few months ago I was visiting my sister and her husband. They had just recently gotten a female puppy and were so happy to have her (except for the potty training)! My sister had researched he process and purchased a dog crate and dog bed along with other dog accessories for their new puppy. She followed the instructions for potty training for several weeks and their puppy just was not potty training as she should. She would take the puppy out to potty, give her a treat, play with her a while, and put her back in her crate. The puppy would whine a little while and settle down. Her husband felt sorry for the puppy when she whined and wanted out of her dog crate. So when my sister left the house or went on an errand he would let their puppy out of the dog crate to …

Buy the Best For Your Pets
Buy the Best For Your Pets

Many times you might be wondering how you could give the best to your pet especially when you treat it as a part of the family. You might be thinking that there is less choices in case you want to buy any type of dog clothes or dog accessories? But this is not true any more. Today you will find many online dog boutiques that market all products right from dog food to other dog necessities.

You will be amazed to see different type of dog clothes such as shirts, skirts, dresses, hats, caps and even dog jewelry. Then there are various dog accessories such as tag IDs, collars, leashes, etc. You will be amazed by the designs offered in each category. Online dog boutiques like dog boutique, dog fashion are really very convenient to shop as you can find everything that you will need for your dog and much …

Basic Cat Accessories for Your Pet
Basic Cat Accessories for Your Pet

If you are planning to have a kitty as a pet, you would do well to buy some cat accessories in advance. Though dogs are termed as man’s best friends, cats can be just as exciting, an in some ways they are even more cute and lovely than puppies. It is really very exciting to be buying items for your new guest, but in your excitement, make sure you do not buy non essential items. It is prudent to take help of the internet or your friend who has a kitty to avoid buying things your kitty might not be interested in.

Though products meant for cats have traditionally been over-sized and heavier than the poor feline fellows, of late, there has been a marked improvement not only in product size and weight but also in their attractiveness. You can be pretty certain that the toys you are buying for …

Finding the Best Needful Things For Your Pet Cat
Finding the Best Needful Things For Your Pet Cat

In this day and age, people seem to have more choices than ever before when it comes to what they can buy for their cat. There is an amazing amount of dedicated pet stores out there now, and even the big retail chain stores like Wal-Mart and K-Mart have an entire section of their store devoted to nothing but pet supplies, along with cat food, dog food, rodent food, and even bird food. It is to the point now where these big pet supply manufactures are actually constantly trying to find new niches, and new creative and innovative ways to compete in this booming pet industry which is only getting more and more competitive.

Another one of the place where there is never a short supply of pet supplies, is the grocery store. In fact, they too have their own dedicated isle with pretty much nothing other than pet supplies …

Massage – When You Should and Shouldn’t Massage Your Pet

Have you ever thought about giving your pet a massage? Just as with humans, pets can enjoy a number of great benefits from receiving a massage. At the same time, there are certain situations when a massage is not the appropriate course of action. Therefore, it is important for you to understand the benefits of massage as well as when massage is not appropriate.

Massage - When You Should and Shouldn't Massage Your Pet

Exploring the Benefits of Massage

Even if your pet is not sick or injured in some way, giving it a good massage now and again can provide it with a number of benefits. One of these is the bond it helps you form with your bellowed pet, as giving your pet a massage helps to promote socialization while giving you special one-on-one time together.

Massage is also beneficial to animals that suffer from joint problems, over-extended muscles, arthritis, and torn ligaments. Or, if you are traveling …